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Blog posts with tag: handcraft

Handcrafting to Relax: Uncover the Why's and How-To's

Handcrafting to Relax: Uncover the Why's and How-To's

Posted on 17-4-2020 by api_more2make.nl

At a time when the term ‘workdays’ is synonymous with ‘stay-at-home days’, it’s sometimes hard to find the right balance between business and pleasure. Being at home all day means that many of us feel the urgent need to be productive and keep busy all day long. And so, we find ourselves sending off emails at 10:00 p.m. or texting colleagues while binge-watching a series on one of the many streamin...

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Handcraft makes you happy | 8 Great advantages of handcraft

Handcraft makes you happy | 8 Great advantages of handcraft

Posted on 28-1-2020 by api_more2make.nl

A medicine for complaints such as the winter blues, a meddlesome mother-in-law, or an appalling day at work exists!  What fantastical remedy is this, you ask? It is, of course, crocheting, knitting, needle punching, doing macramé, weaving… the list goes on! Put simply: handcrafting. Here we describe 8 huge benefits you experience from handcrafting. Are you debating whether to pick up your needles ...

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