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Discover the most beautiful Leather Labels

Have you just knitted or crocheted a beautiful blanket, and would you like to add a personal touch? Then add a leather label! A leather label is the perfect way to finish off any handmade project. There are different kinds of labels to choose from, for example:
- Blank leather labels
- Leather labels in a unique shape
- Leather labels with text on them
That way there is a different label for every project. For example, use a label with text on it for a handmade gift or go with a blank label if you want to add some stylish flair to your project. Feeling extra creative? You could add your own embossing to a blank label for a truly unique touch.

Shop Leather Labels at Yarnplaza.com

With the leather labels from Durable, you can personalize and make your handmade items completely unique. These labels are made from supple leather and are easy to sew or screw onto your projects. These labels are available with fun prints/text on them or blank. We also have labels from Go Handmade in our assortment. These labels are blank and perfect for adding to your handmade projects.

Even more notions at Yarnplaza.com

In addition to beautiful leather labels, you can also find loads of other lovely, handy notions in store. Curious? Then browse through our function ChangeQtyStd(qty, otherqty, calcamount, stdamount, stdunit) { var value = parseFloat(qty); var stdQty = parseFloat(stdamount.innerHTML); var total = Math.round(((value / stdQty) + 0.00001) * 100) / 100; otherqty.value = total var unit = stdunit.innerHTML; calcamount.innerHTML = "(" + total.toString() + " " + unit + ")"; } function ChangeQtyUnit(qty, otherqty, calcamount, stdamount, stdunit) { var value = parseFloat(qty); var stdQty = parseFloat(stdamount.innerHTML); var unit = stdunit.innerHTML; var productCount = Math.ceil(value * stdQty); otherqty.value = productCount.toString(); var total = (Math.round(((productCount / stdQty) + 0.00001) * 100) / 100).toString(); calcamount.innerHTML = "(" + total + " " + unit + ")"; } function ChangeQty(qty, productId, fieldId) { ChangeQty(qty, productId, fieldId, null); } function ChangeQty(qty, productId, fieldId, debtorWebshopProductTypeId) { if(debtorWebshopProductTypeId > 0) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/webfunctions/UpdateDebtorProductQty.ashx", data: { qty: qty, productId: productId, debtorWebshopProductTypeId: debtorWebshopProductTypeId }, success: function (response) { console.log("UpdateDebtorProductQty OK"); } }); } clearTimeout(VeranderAantalTimer); VeranderAantalTimer = setTimeout(function () { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/webfunctions/LimitBuyQuantity.ashx", data: { request: "QtyLimitProduct", qty: qty, productId: productId, }, success: function (response) { fieldId = '#' + fieldId; $(fieldId).val(response); } }); }, VeranderAantalDelay); }

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