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Pompon Chandelier - The best project for using leftover yarns!

Pompon Chandelier - The best project for using leftover yarns!
Posted on 15-5-2017 by api_more2make.nl

How to make a Pompon Chandelier - Leftovers of wool and yarn, who does not own them? They're not enough for a new project or not the exact colour you want, but it's a waste to throw them away. Fortunately there are many lovely projects to make with leftovers of yarn, like this beautiful chandelier. Don't you love it?! Continue reading on all tips and trick for making this gorgeous chandelier! 

Do you also have a pile of leftover wool and yarns and got no clue on what to do with them? Then start a gorgeous leftover project! You can get going with making a blanket of granny squares in all different colours and yarns or use them for creating small little details like fringes or edges. But how cool is it to make a beautiful large project with a great amount of small leftovers?

This chandelier is made of lots of colourful leftovers of wool and yarns. This way leftovers are not just leftovers, but turn out to be very useful for your next project! Make this chandelier in your favourite colours and style it to your own taste! Combine bright colours or match some beautiful pastel shades for a gorgeous effect. A nice glitter yarn will give it an extra sparkling touch!

Psssst: Even if you don't have that many leftovers of wool and yarn, this chandelier is still a lovely project!

What do you need:
- Clover pompom makers 45 mm, 65 mm, 85 mm
- Leftovers of coloured wool and yarn
- 1 x metal ring 45 cm
- 1 x metal ring 25 cm
- 1 x wooden bead 3,5 cm

How to make a pompon chandelier of leftovers

Start with working a round of sc. around both metal rings. Try not to twist the yarn while crocheting.

Make 13 large pompons, 13 medium pompons and 13 small pompons.

Cut 13 threads of 55 cm. Tie these yarns with a knot in the middle of the thread on the large ring.

Attach the pompons on the double yarns. Start with the small ones and end with the largest pompons.

Draw the ends of the yarns through the smallest ring and tie them together at a height of 25cm above the ring.

Put the wooden bead on top of the knot.

To finish, cut yarns of 140 cm and draw a yarn through each st. of the large ring. Get all yarns together to create a big fringe and tie a knot around it. Tie another knot around it a little bit lower.

And viola, your chandelier is done!


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